Energy Efficient Homes
Strongest House--Warmest House
You’re building a home, probably the single biggest investment you and your family will ever make. No doubt you have concerns especially when you hear reports of ‘leaky homes’ and questionable building practices that hit the headlines on regular bases. It can be confusing to decide what to do and where to turn when so many choices of unproven synthetic materials are in the market place.
What are your priorities when choosing a home?
• Safety, Durability and Low Maintenance?
• Weather-Tightness and ‘Leaky Home’ Proof?
• Energy Efficiency with Superior Insulation Properties?
• Quite and Comfortable Living Conditions?
• Earthquake and Extreme Weather Resilience?
• Environmentally Friendly?
• Affordable?
Only a STEAFAST Home offers all of above giving you peace of mind that previously was not possible. With a STEADFAST Home your investment is naturally protected from the structural damage that can be caused by the effects of nature. You’ll benefit from lower annual maintenance and energy costs while living in a home that provides a secure quite haven for your family.
STEADFAST Build superior Wall and Floor construction systems for your home.
Our patented systems out-perform traditional lightweight timberframe and insulated construction alternatives.
• Premium thermal and energy performance.
• High cost-effectiveness and affordability.
• Structural dependability.
• Exceptional durability and weather tightness
• Great flexibility across design including internal / external cladding.
• No exposure to leaching chemicals, rot, or pests that can pollute the home's wall and floor cavities.
STEADFAST systems represent the most commonsense, practical and intelligent method of construction for the worlds homes, conditions and lifestyles
Create your dream home with Steadfast
Talk to us about you ideas
Please get in touch with Steadfast Building from the Contact box on the right.
Building – Energy Efficiency – Energy Efficient Homes – Floor – Insulation – Investment – Safety – Weather