Cotter House Luxury Retreat

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Lifting Historic Guest house into the green Zone!

Cotter House has been rewarded with Qualmark's Enviro Gold certification as a result of its remarkable eco-friendly conservation and restoration efforts, and its dedication to reduce its carbon footprint.

Its commitment to heritage conservation and recycling started with major renovations undertaken over a period of 15 years, using original timbers, architraves, and lovingly restoring with recycled timbers.

Cotter House, as one of Aucklands oldest and most prestigious heritage buildings, has made the commitment to run an eco-friendly business , reduce its impact on the environment and is implementing green policies throughout all areas of the retreat. From wealthy clients who agree to have their sheets changed less often, to 19th-century chandeliers using low-energy bulbs, we are working to offset our carbon footprint. Our guests are an integral part of the process and their contributions to sustaining our 'Green Image', are highly valued. Thank you!

Making a Difference with Kiwi Green: When staying with us offset your travel emissions by BUYING your own tree (GPS forest location coordinates will be provided) and take action to protect our surroundings and our environment for today, and for the future.


We invite you to join with us and stay green at Cotter House by enjoying our hospitality and understanding our environmental Policy in practical ways that make your contribution quantifiable. Areas we are continuously working on:

WATER - We are conserving water at Cotter House
* We save Water every year, with our laundry management system:
* We offer a towel and bed linen reuse program in our guestrooms which ensures you are helping the environment by reducing energy and water use.
* We use only low flow faucets in guest bathrooms
* We use only low flow shower heads in our guest bathrooms
* Our guest bathrooms are equipped with low flow toilets
* We use only water efficient laundry washing machines and dishwashers
* We are regulating garden watering by the use of sensible planting practices

ENERGY - We are reducing our demand on energy
o We regularly update our appliances to energy efficient star rated equipment in our Kitchens and laundry facilities
o We use programmable thermostats for our heating with automatic temperature adjustment
o We use energy efficient motion sensor outdoor lighting (100%)
o We use high energy efficient lighting (fluorescent)
o We have an energy management system that involves appliance Hibernation
o We switch off lights when you are out
o Lights are turned off after meetings are over and when the space is unoccupied
o Our chosen energy supplier buys from renewable generation resources like wind, hydro and geothermal.
o We offer guests bicycles for local touring, walking guides to local attractions, and information on carbon-neutral transport.
o We buy local produce where possible to reduce transport emissions

WASTE - We are reducing our waste at Cotter House
o We offer our guests dedicated wireless laptops to enable them to get news online and recycle all newspapers
o By not printing unnecesary emails and printing on recycled office paper.
o We give our guests the opportunity to recycle their rubbish.
o We offer to lend them environmentally friendly shopping bags to reduce packaging
o We reduce packaging to a minimum by dispensers for high quality toiletries, buying quality products in bulk, replacing disposable items with reusable ones.
o We sort our waste to minimise rubbish sent to landfills by recycling glass, aluminum and plastic, and composting organic waste.
o We buy local produce where possible to reduce transport emissions
o We buy only from producers who offer environmentally-friendly packaging options in returnable containers where possible

POLLUTION - We are reducing pollution of waterways, noise, air and light:
o We use only cleaning products that have earned the KiwiGreen Environmentally friendly Seal of approval. (All-Purpose, Glass Cleaners and Bathroom Cleaners) biodegradable and non-toxic .
o We wash our vehicles on permeable surfaces so cleaning products don’t enter drains.
o We have Noise-insulated our premises with heavy curtains and of course the brick walls/
o We regularly tune our vehicles to help reduce carbon emissions.
o We use only natural/low or non-allergenic toiletry products.
o We source our materials from local or Fair Trade producers.
o We are sending batteries and fluorescent bulbs for recycling/safe disposal.
o We are measuring our carbon emissions and offsetting where we can’t reduce.
o We are training in emission-reducing techniques , such as buying locally, and encouraging our guests to “walk the city” and use efficient public transport.

RECYCLING - At Cotter House
o We have recycling and re-use systems in place for cardboard, office paper, glass, plastic, metal, aluminum, used batteries and computer equipment
o We utilise where possible recycled paper goods
o Recycle containers are provided to guests when requested
o We do not use "throw-away" containers or paper napkins and limit the use of kitchen paper towels.
o Our linen is antique: from our antique French embroidered bed linen, to embroidered tablecloths and napkins which .we present beautifully starched
o Any usable items left over from meetings, such as pads, notebooks and binders are donated to local schools.
o We have a "Hibernation" policy which allows us to turn off appliances in the rooms when not in use.

CONSERVATION and Responsible Purchasing initiatives at Cotter House:
We are supporting heritage conservation, regeneration of native and renewable forests by:
o Ensuring all printed material and products are sustainably sourced where possible.
o Use of organic products and supplies from our very own farmer markets.
o Supporting regeneration of native New Zealand forest and wildlife conservation by involvement in community reforestation projects with
+ Trees for Survival - as Board member
+ Motuihe Island reforestation project
o Heritage conservation projects
+ through the creation of the "Auckland heritage Trust" - as main trustee
+ through Committee membership of the Historic Places Trust
+ through Rotary initiatives - as a member of Rotary Club of Remuera
+ through School environmental awareness development programmes

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Cotter House Luxury Retreat Products

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Boutique Cotter House  Boutique Cotter House

To enjoy the warmest welcome and gorgeous historical surrounding, please come to Cotter House. Here is your luxury enjoyed and ideal retreat with no doubt.... more »

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