
WhatPowerCrisis.Com info, products & news

Established in 2005, WhatPowerCrisis.Com is a supplier of power saving and power generation equipment with web-based sales offices in New Zealand and Australia. Our aim is to get good quality power saving and generation products to the market cheaply and efficiently. We believe the No. 1 reason that this market has not exploded is cost. ...Simply "the gear is too dear" - we intend to remedy this.

We maintain an office, staff and warehousing in China. We source our products direct from manufacturers in order to bring our customers the equipment they want at the best price, without going through the traditional manufacturer/ exporter/ importer/ distributor/ reseller/ customer supply chain. Many hands make light work, but many hands also mean a lot of mouths to feed along the way.

Anybody can get on the Internet and order products from anywhere in the world; our procedure is to take a standard product, improve it's performance, reliability and function, test it and ensure its suitability for its intended market. Many products on our website are unique to us and made to our exact specifications. Our Generators, Solar Water Heaters and Electric Mopeds are all examples of this.

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