Eco- friendly Futon Settee and Bunk Bed

Eco- friendly Futon Settee and Bunk Bed Product details

Eco- friendly Futon Settee and Bunk Bed Product by:

As well as being a prevalent permanent Bed, Eco- friendly Futon Settee and Bunk Bed are also great for visiting friends and wherever there is limited space.

The comfortable Eco-friendly Bunk Settee opens from a sofa into a completely firm full size double bed with a single bed on top, and the Eco- friendly Bunk Bed has 2 sturdy and safe single beds.

The sustainable ladder is included and clamps securely onto the upper frame.

Futonz Natural Bedding recommends their Latex Premium for the top single bunk, or one of their futons.

The sofa that is coverts to a double bed is ideal with one of their foldable futon options, such as the organic Deluxe Cotton and Wool Medium, or a Latex Futon.

Their zip-off futon covers are available in a range of colours and suit the Bunk Settee very well.

Eco- friendly Futon Settee and Bunk Bed is a great design for the batch and the spare room, and always a favourite with the kids.

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