Matua Gardens Retreat

Matua Gardens Retreat Product details

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Matua Gardens Retreat

Matua Gardens Retreat is a classical luxury Eco Accomodation located at Akaroa Harbour, South Island, New Zealand. It is located in a unique scenic location overlooking the famous Akaroa Harbour.

There are very abundant activities within the vicinity of Matua Gardens Retreat, inluding walking, hiking cycling and more.

For the past years we've been enjoying great reputation among Australian, New Zealand and international guests from around the world. The Matua Gardens Retreat is located approximately 75 minutes from Christchurch International Airport or 10 minutes from Akaroa.

Matua Gardens Retreat values the environment. In our daily operation we follow sustainable practices and optimal waste management. We have also been offering continuous financial and practical support to the Hinewai reserve and other community reservation movements.

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