Organic Reactive Phosphate Rock has a citric solubility of around 45%. Basically supplier of phosphorus, it releases both calcium and phosphorus to the soil at a rate resolute by the Natural activity of worms and microbes.
Containing important quantities of calcium, it also contains trace minerals that increase life both above and below the ground.
As a result of enhanced biological activity plants grown are stronger and less prone to attack and damage by flea, weevil and any other predator.
In the case of clover this means more nitrogen fixed naturally. Given the massive trial work conducted by MAF in New Zealand growers can confidently switch from conventional suppliers of phosphorus to Reactive Phosphate Rock.
Where sulphur is a requirement, primary sulphur equally as Effective and often more effective can be added to ensure maximum dry matter performance.
This is used as a maintenance fertiliser, Pasture development and Pasture growth.
This product is usually applied at rates of 100 - 300 kg/ha although actual spreading rates will vary according to climate, Farm type, productivity and soil type it is ideally soil pH should be less than 6.
Please use the Contact form on the right for Organic Reactive Phosphate Rock information and ordering.